Monday, December 15, 2014

Kebab is in the house bebeh

Jom masak kebab today guys.. make kebab actually tak susah..just need to prepare he marinate in advanced la..but once ready, it is as easy as cucuk2 and grill..hehe

lets marinate our chicken..ok, ape yang perlu ada is as follows je
Dada ayam dipotong dadu
serbuk lada sulah
sos tiram
bawang putih dicincang

mix all the above pnya item and masukkan dalam bekas bertutup..let it marinate for arleast half an hour dalam peti ais..lg lama lg meresap la marinate ke dalam daging ayam

So marinate dah ready..ulos boleh prepare the veges..rule of thumb senang je..anything yg keras for me, i love carrots, zuchinii, onions and capsicum..potong each veges bentuk dadu jgak..kalau boleh sama saiz dengan the chikn breast nnti masak sekata je..

Orait..bila sume item dah ready,ape lg..jom main cucuk2..cucuk la selang seli antara veges n ayam eh..guna kreativiti masing2..tak ada..oncecready, it's time to grill always la..periuk menang mmg my bestfriend in making healthy food..hehe..letak some olive oil on to the pan and grill it bebeh..what i always do is bg the food seared sket..and then close the lid and let it cooked till perfection..hehehe..

sementara tunggu 2 bolwh la prepare roti wrap tuk makan skali with the kebab..up to uols actually..roti prata ke, roti pita ke, wrap ke..anything pon boleh..

and wallah..siap dah my kebab..senang je kn..not only muiz and hubby really enjoys it..try it guys..delicious yet easy to make..


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