Thursday, June 26, 2014

Muizzuddin's birthday celebration

Alhamdulillah my little boy has turned 1..yeehaa! today I just want to share la some pix of Muiz birthday celebration..Actually, ada 4 celebrations..hehehe..


let me show ya..hehehe

Celebration 1 : With ibu n ayah
Since this is our first celebration we are not making any birthday parties pon..just a family dinner of Muiz, his daddy and myself.. we celebrste kt Secret Recipe Desa Parkcity as it was the closests to our house. Yang penting, ada kek comey tuk birthday boy..hehehe

family that eats together stays together

Celebration 2 : mia familia
this one wan mama n atok blanje kek..kebetulan birthday Muiz dekat dengan birthday pakcu dia dlm bulan we celebrate together2!..

Celebration 3 : Taska Si Molek
As most of you know, I send my son to dacare while I am working. So at the taska, it is a tradition la for the kids to celebrate each other for Muiz birthday, I've prepared some rainbow cake and goodie bags for the kids..just to teach Muiz the feeling of giving to others..Unfortunately both of us tak dapat attend coz ade urusan kerja..but his pengasuh at taska did snap a lot of pictures during the party..

Muiz with his friends and caretakers at Taska Si Molek..

Celebration 4: hubby's familia: haa..celebration birthday Muiz ni ktorang buat lambat cket coz nak kumpul semua we did it coincide with open house n doa selamat raya di Bota..almost 1 month later la..but who cares kn?..yg penting the thoughts..and...the cake..hehehe..oh, thistime, sambut sekali ngan his dad's birthday..*wink3x

ok la ek..dah jenuh membebel ni..till next time bebeh..Bye2!


One year and counting

26.06.2014..Time flies..Alhamdulillah anak ku Muhammad Muizzuddin b. Mohd hanafi telah genap 1 tahun..MasyaAllah, betapa besarnya kuasa Allah yang telah mengurniakan aku dan suami anugerah yang sangat bernilai dalam hidup kami.. Setahun tak terasa berlalu..Semoga kasih Allah sentiasa mengiringi perjalananmu anakku..ibu dan ayah will always try our best to give you the vest that we could..Happy first birthday my son!..hey, you have turned 1..weehooo

Monday, June 23, 2014

Jom tengok Panda @ Zoo Negara

Hi all

lama berkarat blog ni..sorry..hehehe

ok, ari ni nak share penglaman jumpa kawan baru kite some of yuo know, Panda dah datang kt Malaysia since hujung bulan lepas but diletakkan under quarintine for a month.. And lucky enough coz my agency is under NRE, we are given oppurtunity to meet up the panda before the place is officially open for public..kira sneak peak jom tgk my experince meeting our VVIP's..hehe

Sebelum jumpe our VVIP, meh tgk muke I dulu ye..hehehe..

Ok yang diunggu dah tiba..jom tgk sket muka VVIP kita..Fu Wa dan Feng Yi ni akan jd tetamu kita untuk 10 tahun. Dorang dipinjamkan oleh Kerajaan China kepada MAlaysia sebagai simbol keakraban diplomatik antara negara kita dan China. 

Hi from Fu Wa dan Feng Yi :-)

Dorang mmg serius comel..kalau boleh nak je turun bawah n peluk dua2 panda mimpi je la kot..kuku dorang sgt tajam ok..kalau x, xkn la dorang dapat pecahkan buluh cm keras je kn..hehehe..Semoga Fu Wa dan Feng Yi hepi kat Malaysia..nanti ade rezeki kita jumpa lagi :-)

Oh BTW, harga tuk masuk pusat konservasi panda ni belum tahu kawan2..tiket masuk tgk panda tak sama ngan tiket masukzoo ye..maknanya kalau beli tiket masuk zoo tp xbli tiket panda, xle la nak masuk tgk panda kt bangunan panda..hopefully tak la mahal boleh la ramai Malaysian's g tgk the cuteness of these two little bears..Kt tunggu pengumuman nama Malaysia tuk dorang plak..kalau I, i nak letak nama yang jantan Abu or Ahmad and yang betina bg nama Siti ke..Kalsom ke..Melati ke..klasik Malaysia pnya nama kn..hehehe..

Till then guys..XOXOXOXO

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Beach Vacay

Hola readers.. lets check it out our recent family vacation @ Port Dickson..hehehe

wefie at the beach while waiting for ayah to perform solat Jumaat..hehehe

Ostrich farm..Muiz muke toyer je..huhuhu
At the Ostrich Farm :-)

Lets hit the pool..hikhikhik

Menikati keinahan pantai..ecececece...

blanja wefie sat..

pijak pasir dulu..

basah dah..muke konpius..huhuhu

finally he starts to enjoy the sea experience..hehehe

till then readers.. XOXOXOXO