Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Muiz Explores : Zoo Negara

Hi readers..
Alhamdulillah today we managed to bring Muiz for another trip..can say la educational trip. This time we went to Zoo Negara.. Actually not Muiz je first time, it has been ages since our last time here. Last time hubby and I went to Zoo Negara is during our jabatan sains bioperubatan family day when I was in my 1st year at UKMKL (BTW for those yang tak tau, my hubby is my senior..hahaha..long story la..xpe simpan tuk lain episod plak..hikhikhik..

So as planned, hubby has already took leave to bring Muiz to his first time at Zoo Negara. We purposely tak mau g on weekend as we don't like huge crowd..lgpon leh rilax2je tgk binatang..xpyh morning we woke up and get ready..i prepared some food la to munch throughout he visit..and paling penting air 2liter..hehehe..after we took our breakfast at mamak (muiz's favourite place), we took off to the Zoo..tak jauh pon sbenanye zoo ni..ade la dlm 15 minit from our house..hehe..
Oh, to all of you yang xtau, i paste kt bawah ni fees to tuk masuk zoo..i know some of you might say that it is expensive kn?..but mind you that actually animal care is expensive and for my hubby and I, we don't really mind to spend a la..alau nak carik sendiri aminal kt utan mmg tak mampu la kn..hehe

Since this year panda dah sampai, we decided to take package with panda entrance.. ye la..sekali masuk baik tgk sume kn..bile lagi nakg tgk panda ni..walaupon I dah puas tgk dah ari2..hehe.. BTW guys, just to let you guys know, I was so impressed with the refurbishment that Zoo Negara has made.. The exhibition is much more interesting from the last time I visited this area. Muiz is having his time..getting to know the animals..macam2 animal la dia tgk..I am pleased to see the new gajah's captive..the savannah..the bears valley etc..tema yang dibuat for each area menarik n interactive..the animal show pon dah lain dah compare to dulu2..lg byk animal yang dipertontonkan..

Paling Muiz suka is the tiger..bila sampai the tiger pnya captive, terus dia sebut ngaumm..we ara so happy n excited to see him enjoying his time with the nature..And the panda is cute as before..the male dah sgt2 selesa di rumah baru dia..siap buat summersault sume la..yg betina je cm ngantuk2 lg..hihihi..

It took us almost 5 hours to complete our exploration kat Zoo Negara ni.. I saw quite a number of development sedang dibuat..looks good Zoo negara..*clapclapclap..My impression is Zoo Negara is trying to give nafas baru to the compound..More mesra pengunjung and mesra haiwan. Hopefully in the next few years Zoo Negara akan setanding dengan Zoo kst obesea sana. I really hope the aquarium area akan refurbish dan jadi lg interaktif.. 

So Malaysians, please give your full support to Zoo Negara. I do really hope they are given more financial support to ensure the sustainability of the animals and our heritage..corporates, please do your company CSR here..give more sponsors to the animals..for our future generation :-)

Till then.. XOXOXOXO

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sup tulang mak mertua

Ok, raya korban baru lepas mmg sup tulang jd highlight la ari ni aku share sket resepi sup tulang mak mertua ku..enjoyce guys!

Resipi sup tulang mak mertuaku

1 kg tulang
Rempah sup bunjut
bawang merah
Bawang putih

1. Rebus tulang sehingga hampir empuk (anggaran 1 jam la jgak..kalau ade pressure cooker cepat laa)
2. Layurkan bawang merah, bawang putih, halia dan repmpah sup bunjut dalam kuali lain bersama sedikit minyak
3. Masukkan rempah yang telah masak ke dalam air rebusan daging dan biarkan merenih sehingga daging betul2 empuk (anggaran lg 1 jam..)
4.Tambahkan garam
5. Hidangkan bersama daun bawang, daun sup, cili padi dan sedikit limau.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Aidiladha 2014

Salam aidiladha sume..

This year we olss sambut kt Bota..hubhy's hometown..tema this year is coz tema last minit, i n muiz xbwk pon jubah balik kampung..sib baik la are jubah adik ipaw.pinjam sat tuk amik gmbo..hihihi

Mia familia di pagi Aidiladha wink3x..

Again this year we brought Muiz to surau nearby my inlaws place.. tengok lembu korban..yes, some ppl said not good la to bring little ones to korban but for us, why not..bukan ajar violence pon kn..just to teach him the essence of ibadah korban..Lagipon alhamdulillah atok Muiz sendiri adalah tukang sembelih kena la g tgk n bg sokongan moral kt atok kn..hehehe..

Muiz menyaksikan ibadah korban..Semoga engkau faham apa itu erti pengobanan anakku..

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Mari Mengenal Jatidiri

Last week we decided to bring Muiz to Melaka again..yes, The historical city of Melaka.. mmg last yssr baru je g..but this year we dicided to bring Muiz again to the city..the main reason is because we want to expose Muiz to his asal usul bagsa as early as possible..yes, he might be very young but meluntur buluh biarlah dari rebung kn..lgpon Muiz dah mula paham apa yang diceritakan pada we think this is a good time..llgpon last time we all tak pergi muzium sgt.mso kira refresh  tuk kami jgak laa..hihihi